Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Does it work? Seventh Generation Dishwashing Liquid vs. Cascade Complete

This is the first in a series of posts where I'll submit my opinions about the effectiveness of various organic products. If you've used many organics, you probably know their effectiveness can vary - and who wants to spend (sometimes extra) cash on something that doesn't end up working, organic or not? (A la most laundry stain removers - I'm talking to you, Shout.) We're not 100% organic consumers (hence the Shout), but I try to use natural products when I can. In the end, though, my bottom line is,  Does it work?

And for Seventh Generation Automatic Dishwasher Gel, the verdict is:

 It works! 

We've been using Seventh Generation Free and Clear for a few weeks now and have not noticed any difference between it and Cascade Complete. My dishes are spot-free and as clean as ever and whadayaknow, I'm not coating my dishes with a thin film of who-knows-what-kinds of chemicals (phosphates) each time I wash them. Incidentally, Cascade has a phosphate-free variety which I have also tried and found to be much less effective than either Cascade Complete or Seventh Generation.

The free and clear variety is our favorite because we're kind of sensitive to fragrances over here - we prefer our dishes smelling like dishes, but to each his own. The detergent also comes in Lemon scent and Green Apple (unexpected, eh?), if I'm not mistaken.

Now for the kicker: As if reducing our exposure to possibly-carcinogenic chemicals wasn't enough, Seventh Generation Automatic Dishwasher Gel is actually only a teensy-weensy bit more expensive than Cascade complete. It's $3.77 for 42 oz. here (Mom, that link's for you) as opposed to Cascade which is $6.27 for 75 oz. - about $.02 more per oz. or less than $1 more per container.  A small price to pay for fewer chemicals in your body, right?

So, consider us converted. We're not adding any substantial expense to our grocery budget AND we're removing one more toxin from our home and our water supply. That's what we call a win, win my friends. 

Update: A friend of mine told me she's used Seventh Generation before and wasn't pleased. I think they've recently introduced a new formula, though, so if you're like her and have tried it before with lackluster results, maybe try it again!



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